CAAC Academy

The CAAC Academy, specializing in inspector training and scientific research supervision, is an organization established by the CAAC, which aims to further improve the professionalism and regulatory capability of the inspectors, to strengthen and standardize the training of inspectors. As a subordinate institution of the Civil Aviation Flight University of ChinaCAFUC, its role is equivalent to that of the deputy general director. With the mission of building a world-class national-level inspector training academy featured with Chinese characteristics and the target of enhancing the qualification and capacity of inspectors as well as promoting the scientific civil aviation oversight in China, the CAAC Academy is mainly responsible for inspector training, theoretical research of civil aviation supervision with Chinese characteristics, civil aviation supervision audit, evaluation of statutory self-inspection of enterprises, and supervision in international cooperation. The Academy was established on December 12, 2019, and the first of inspector training program undertaken by the Academy officially started on September 10, 2020, which was licensed by Feng Zhenglin in person, the then Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, and the Administrator of CAAC.

In terms of inspector training, we have established a model of full-life cycle inspector training and continuously optimize the training curricula with the goal of enhancing duty competencies. We also have built a graded and categorized inspector training curricula, as well as a one-stop introductory training program for majors related to airport and security. An online platform for the management of inspector training has been established, the Rational Law Enforcement Forum has been launched, and the magazine Civil Aviation Regulatory Observation , a regulatory communication platform exclusively for inspectors, has been published bimonthly. We have actively promoted international cooperation in supervision. By the end of 2022, CAAC Academy has undertaken the introductory general training for all disciplines, recurrent general training for 3 regional administrations, introductory and recurrent training for 9 disciplines, advanced training, and supervisory training for all disciplines, and the training of an accumulative total 2,826 inspectors has been completed.


In terms of regulatory research, CAAC Academy closely follow the realistic needs of the reform of the industry's regulatory model and efficiently promote the research of regulatory theory, regulatory audits and evaluation of statutory self-inspection etc.. Focusing on the scientific regulation, we are committed to contribute the development of civil aviation regulation with Chinese characteristics and researches on smart regulation and promoting the optimization of civil aviation regulation models. We have developed a Two-Focus regulatory model, a Four-factor, Twelve-points Tool and a Two-Focus regulatory organization method. Focusing on solving the problem hidden behind the regulation, we have developed a regulatory audit index system and a regulatory self-inspection analysis tool; then carried out pilot practice of Two-focus regulation in the industry, undertaking regulatory data analysis and in-depth regulatory audits. For improving the compliance and capability of enterprises in the industry, we established the third-party statutory self-inspection evaluation standards and tools, researched and revised the Statutory Job Criterion for Self-Inspection of Civil Aviation Enterprise, and actively developing the statutory self-inspection evaluation.


The overall development strategy of CAAC Academy is: by 2025, to be capable of training inspectors for the full-life cycle in accordance with the developmental needs of civil aviation and to be capable of conducting first-class scientific research on domestic civil aviation regulation,; by 2035, to be competitive in training civil aviation inspectors and conducting scientific research on civil aviation regulation worldwide; by the middle of this century, to be fully established as a world-class national inspector training academy with innovation and leadership.


CAAC Academy contains four departments: the Office of Party and Administration, the Department of Policy Development and Research, the Department of Training, and the Department of Competency Assessment and Quality Evaluation. Their respective responsibilities are as follows:

The Office of Party and Administration: It is responsible for the work and management of the party, discipline inspection and supervision of examination operation, administrative management, and the comprehensive support of the operation and work assigned by superiors.

The Department of Policy Development and Research: It is responsible for studying development and planning, developing research-based training courses, market development, international exchanges and cooperation, scientific research planning and management, and work assigned by superiors.

The Department of Teaching and Learning: It is responsible for the liaison with the affairs of the corresponding bureaus of the CAAC, the coordination and management of teaching resources, the organization and implementation of the teaching program, the construction of curriculum system, the management of trainees to effectively play its role as a teaching and research office and other work assigned by superiors.

The Department of Competency Assessment and Quality Evaluation: It is responsible for testing the competence of administrative law enforcement of inspectors, examination management and certification awarding, examination and evaluation, training quality assessment, the systematic establishment of training management guidance, file and information management, network management, and work assigned by superiors.

At present, the Civil Aviation Inspector Training Institute has an approved staff level of 115 personnel, and 34 official teaching staff on duty by January 2023.

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Tel: 0838-5183660

Official Account: 民航监察员培训学院


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